- April 13, 2020
- Posted by: Simangolwa Muyunda
- Category: News

The National Pension Scheme Authority has learnt that one of the clients who was attended to at Kafue Office had visited the funeral house of the person whose death on 8th April 2020 was later confirmed by the Ministry of Health to be as a result of COVID-19.
Therefore, in order to safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and members of the public, all the members of staff at Kafue office have been instructed to be on self-quarantine for 14 days in line with the Ministry of Health guidelines.
Furthermore, the Kafue office has been temporary closed for 14 days awaiting clearance from the Ministry of Health. Employers and members are therefore encouraged to use the Authority’s electronic platforms to access various services.
Details on how to access the services can be found on our Facebook page with the Handle: YourNAPSA and in the Times of Zambia and Zambia Daily Mail newspapers as well as the Authority website: www.napsa.co.zm
For enquiries contact us on Telephone: 0211 395677, Toll Free: 677
WhatsApp: +260973000677, email: info@napsa.co.zm
Issued by
Cephas Sinyangwe
Head Corporate Affairs
National Pension Scheme Authority
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