Contributions FAQ

Contributions FAQ

When are contributions due for payment?

Members are required to make contributions  on a monthly basis. These contributions can be made on a  daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis depending no the members ability.

How often can a member pay contributions to NAPSA?

Contributions payments can be done on daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis.

Are there penalties for non or late payment of contributions?

Yes. There are penalties charged for non or late payments of contributions. Payments not made by the due date attract a 10% cumulative penalty.

Do members have to continuously contribute for 12 months to qualify for a benefits?

No. The contributions do not have to be continuous. The scheme enables members to qualify for pension after making a minimum of 120 contributions or equivalent of ten years, However , one can qualify for other short-term benefits with less than 120 contributions. For example, a female contributing member is eligible for a maternity benefit once they make 12 contributions.

What happens when a member falls short of 120 contributions?

If a member has reached retirement age but has made less than 120 contributions, a lump sum is paid out. This is a once-off payment that is indexed to inflation.

Is there need to submit any records or documents when paying contributions?

No, all a member needs when making contributions is their social security number and the amount they are contributing.

How and where can one pay NAPSA contributions?

For members who are self-employed, contribution payments can be made using mobile money and the payment process can be initiated using NAPSA USSD function or the NAPSA Agent module on eNAPSA.

  1. USSD – this is a self-service function on the NAPSA USSD code *677# that is linked to the mobile money platform and enables self-employed members to make contributions

  2. Agent Module – this is a function on eNAPSA that enables a registered Agent to facilitate payment on behalf of a self-employed member.

Are Domestic workers supposed to be registered with NAPSA?

Yes, all Domestic workers are supposed to be registered with NAPSA as per provisions in the National Pension Scheme Act No. 40 of 1996.

If you are a Domestic worker, do you need to have a written contract to be an eligible contributing member of NAPSA?

No, the contract may even be oral or implied. However, Domestic workers and their employers are encouraged to have written contracts as a way of formalizing their employer-employee relationship.

When is a Domestic worker supposed to register with NAPSA?

Within one month of starting work.

I am an employer of a Domestic worker. How do I register with NAPSA?

You register as an employer of a Domestic Worker with NAPSA through eNAPSA online platform or by completing employer and member registration forms obtainable from any nearest NAPSA office. NAPSA will assign you the employer with an employer account number under which the Domestic Worker will be registered.

I am a Domestic Worker. How do I register with NAPSA?

As a Domestic worker, it is the obligation of the employer to register you through eNAPSA online platform or through completion of employer and member registration forms at any nearest NAPSA office.

How does an employer deregister a Domestic worker who stops work?

By informing NAPSA using the provision provided on the eNAPSA platform. The eNAPSA platform allows an employer to add or remove an employee from their account as per prevailing situation

What can a Domestic worker do if they are not registered with NAPSA?

The Domestic worker must immediately report the case of non-registration at a nearest NAPSA office, or by calling on +260 211 395677 or our toll free number 677

How much should a Domestic worker contribute to NAPSA?

10% of the Domestic workers’ gross monthly income shared equally between the employer and the Domestic Worker.

What happens to my contributions when I change employment?

Since the member is expected to use the same Social Securtiy number even when they change jobs, their contributions from the new employer will continue accumulating in one account. However,if the Domestic Worker stops work and does not find another job, the contributions will be held in trust by NAPSA, and will continue to earn interest.

What is the minimum salary for one to contribute to NAPSA?

K15.00 gross monthly income.

How does an employer of a Domestic worker remit NAPSA contributions?

By signing up on eNAPSA online platform, or physically visiting a nearest NAPSA office.

What happens to a Domestic worker’s unremitted contribution arrears?

Once the case is reported, the employer will be assessed and made to pay all the contribution arrears for the Domestic Worker.

How can a Domestic worker check their NAPSA contributions?

By visiting any NAPSA Office or by dialling short code *677#, via eNAPSA online platform, or by

calling call centre number +260 211 395 677 or toll free number 677 on their mobile phones.

What happens to my contributions if I die?

A Survivors benefit and Funeral grant is immediately paid to your spouse and children. If there is no spouse and children, the benefits are paid to the administrator. To qualify for Funeral Grant, there must be 12 months contributions in the last three years from death of member.

Do I get reimbursed in case I dismiss a Domestic worker for whom I had paid contributions in advance?

Yes, the reimbursement can either be outright pay back, or through the transfer of contributions to the newly hired worker on the employer’s NAPSA account.

Is it possible to make contributions in advance on behalf of my Domestic workers?

Yes, contributions in advance are allowed.

What is the benefit to the employer for registering with NAPSA?

Contributing to NAPSA relieves employers from financial burdens in terms of funeral of worker in times of death, or injury or old age and possible litigations. Further, workers whose contributions are remitted to the scheme tend to be motivated and more productive at the workplace. It is also a fulfillment of an employers legal obligations as provided in the NPS Act Number 40 of 1996

How much is the Funeral Grant?

Funeral Grant is standard for every member and it also increases every year.e.g in 2021 the Funeral Grant payable was K11,594.00

What Benefits does NAPSA offer?

  1. Retirement Pension; monthly income paid to a member who reaches retirement age of 55/60 years and has made at least 180 months’ contributions.
  2. Invalidity Pension paid to member who gets incapacitated and unable to engage in gainful employment due to sickness or injury.
  3. Survivors pension paid to spouse(s) and children of deceased member when member dies.
  4. Funeral Grant also paid to the spouse/administrator when member dies and is aimed at according member a dignified burial.

What short term benefits does NAPSA pay to Domestic workers?

NAPSA pays Funeral Grant as a short term benefit when a member dies.

Will I get my benefits if I don’t meet the 180 minimum contributions?

Yes, if member does not reach 180 months contributions which is a requirement for a pension, they will be paid a lump sum payment. Lump sum amount is calculated based on total employer and member contributions, indexation to counter effects of inflation, and interest.

How do I access/apply for my benefits?

Benefits are accessible by visiting the nearest NAPSA office to log in a claim.

How long does it take to receive a benefit from NAPSA after logging in a claim?

If all records are complete, benefit is settled within 21 days of logging in claim.

When a Domestic worker stops work, can they claim their NAPSA Benefits?

No, unless they have reached the retirement age of 60 years or they become invalid before their retirement age.

Moving an employee from one company to another?

Send the full name and NRC number of the employee, and the Company name and account number you want them moved to. Send to

How to Amend employee information?

To make amendments to employee information, download the ‘Member registration/amendment’ form from NAPSA website Fill in the form and send it, with your copy of N.R.C to  Please state your request clearly in your email.