- October 8, 2018
- Posted by: Simangolwa Muyunda
- Category: News

The Minister of Labour and Social Security, Honourbale Joyce Nonde Simukoko, MP, recently issued Statutory Instrument number 69 of 2018, Statutory Instrument number 70 of 2018 and Statutory Instrument number 71 of 2018 covering domestic workers, shop workers and general workers respectively. The minimum wage for domestic workers was increased from K522.4o to K993.60 while minimum wage for grade one shop workers and general workers has also risen from K1,132 to K1, 698.60 effective 10th September 2018.
Following this revision, the minimum NAPSA monthly contribution for domestic workers is K99.36 and that for shop and general workers is K169.86 representing 10% of the employee’s gross pay shared equally at 5% each between the employer and employee.
Employers of the stated groups of employees are hereby requested to make this adjustment as they make their September returns and ensure that the correct amount is deducted and remitted to NAPSA before the 10th of October 2018 and indeed before the 10th of every subsequent month going forward.
Members are also encouraged to track their contributions as well as account information by using eNAPSA on www.napsa.co.zm, NAPSA App on mobile phones with internet or USSD code *677# on mobile phones without internet.
For more information call the NAPSA Contact Centre on 0211395677, Toll free 677, Whatsapp; 0973000677 or mail info@napsa.co.zm
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